Why do we need a new residence? Why not just continue the way  
we are?

Early in the study of the future healthcare needs of the new Midwest Province, it became apparent that the current St. Camillus residence would no longer be adequate to provide for the needs of the Jesuit community at St. Camillus. Originally constructed as a hospital in the 1930s, renovation and refurbishment would be limited in scope and insufficient to meet the future needs of the Society. A qualitative analysis of both Colombiere and St. Camillus led to the conclusion that the Jesuits should focus future plans on the St. Camillus/Milwaukee area. Building a new residence will address the immediate healthcare concerns facing the Jesuits.


Why St. Camillus? 

Several factors were considered in the recommendation to focus on a new residence in the Milwaukee area: 

St. Camillus is operated by a religious order whose mission is healthcare and with whom Jesuits have had a very collaborative 25-year relationship. In addition to a Jesuit community, the campus includes 700 additional units for independent, assisted living and skilled nursing, all owned and operated by the Camillians, who employ a staff of 550 individuals to maintain the facility and provide necessary care.  

St. Camillus is close to excellent healthcare services and several highly regarded hospitals. Many Jesuit works are nearby providing opportunities for Jesuits at St. Camillus.  Public transportation is convenient to the Camillus campus.   Milwaukee is centrally located in the reconfigured Midwest Province. With this scenario at St. Camillus, the Jesuits can expand or contract the number of rooms occupied as needs change. 


St. Camillus: Why lease versus own? 

After detailed analysis and discernment, the Jesuits have determined that Camillus is the best place for their community. Also, leasing a new building on the campus best serves the Jesuits’ needs. The lease is structured to incorporate important equity characteristics, including: 

Being long term (50 years).  The option to sell leasehold rights back to the Camillians in the event that rooms are no longer needed. If the Camillians cease operations for any reason, the Jesuits will have the right to either operate their own facility or obtain another healthcare provider.


What will the project cost? 

Financial Information

Financial Information

The new residence will be a full Jesuit community with 52 private rooms and adequate community spaces, including a dining room, chapel, Jesuit recreation/living room, TV room, haustus room, library, parlors, interior courtyard and activities rooms. Three guest rooms, a room for the superior and a room for the minister are also included. 

As a healthcare facility, this building will house treatment rooms, nursing stations and the appropriate in-room equipment necessary to provide the care needed for the members of the community. 

Current cost projections to provide a turn-key community are $25 million. 

The estimated cost is calculated at $339 per square foot. This compares favorably with a similar residence recently constructed by the Maryland Province in Baltimore.


What has taken place to prepare for a capital campaign?

Several things, including a demographic analysis of the province, an assessment of the current situation and a plan to meet future needs of the Society, were developed by a task force appointed by the Provincials. In addition, a draft Case for Support was prepared by the Provincial Advancement staff and an independent consultant firm, The Shumway Group, undertook a study to assist the provinces in making a determination regarding the breadth of benefactor support for the proposed project. 

During the study, 65 personal interviews were conducted in Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, the Twin Cities, Omaha and Cincinnati (including interviews in Columbus, Ohio and Indianapolis). A focus group of benefactors was also conducted at St. Camillus. 


What was learned as a result of this study?

The most significant finding was the extremely positive image of the Society, individual Jesuits and Jesuit works throughout the region. There is a high level of trust in the Jesuits and in the mission. 

The overall plan to meet the healthcare needs of senior Jesuits, as identified in the test case for support, was universally acknowledged as valid. Many respondents characterized these needs as “pressing.” 

Generally, interviewees indicated that benefactors would be receptive to the idea of a provinces-wide capital campaign. Eighty percent of those interviewed indicated that they ‘definitely will’ or ‘perhaps will’ make a gift to such a campaign. 

The timing of the campaign was seen ‘as good as any,’ though some expressed concern about the number and variety of Jesuit campaigns currently underway throughout the provinces. However, those interviewed also mentioned that the provinces-wide nature of the effort may mitigate those concerns. 

Several interviewees indicated a need for the provinces to not only differentiate themselves from the various institutions, but to also emphasize their complementary roles.


What was the conclusion of the study and what recommendations were made? 

The Midwest Jesuits are in a strong position to launch the capital campaign.

The recommendations include:

Creating a comprehensive communications strategy that affords the provinces an opportunity to strengthen the Jesuit brand both during this campaign and after. 
Creating partnerships with individual Jesuits, Jesuit works and boards. 
Creating multiple opportunities for giving, i.e., a ‘Market Basket of Opportunities’ for targeted gifts.


What are the next steps?

Identify key Jesuit and lay leaders in each region who will lend active support to the campaign effort. 
Develop a campaign communications strategy for both internal and external audiences.  
Identify and cultivate support from major donor prospects. 
Plan to begin the public phase of the campaign in  
fall/winter 2016-17. 

Ways To Give

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Asked Questions

Originally constructed as a hospital in the 1930s, renovation and refurbishment would necessarily
be limited in scope, and insufficient
to meet the future needs of the Society; a new plan was needed...



Commemorative gift opportunities serve as an enduring expression of your generous support to care for Jesuit priests and brothers who have lived their lives as “men for others,” serving “with others” and among others... 


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We're grateful to the benefactors who make our work possible. If you'd like to contribute to the care of our Senior Jesuits, we would like to hear from you. Our Regional Advancement Directors are ready to assist you...